Community Based Projects

Support Oregon Food Bank

Please support your local Oregon Food Bank. They need your generous support to eliminate hunger. Website: Read More

save Rifat

Let us save an young medical student, Rifat. Read More

Ramadan Food Package

দিনমজুর হাবিব গম, সার, চাল, সিমেন্ট, বালুসহ বিভিন্ন পণ্যের বস্তা টানেন। ৩০০ থেকে ৪০০ টাকা পান তিনি। ৬২ বছর বয়সী হাবিব আগের মতো কাজ করতে পারেন না। সকাল ৭টায় কাজে আসেন, রাতে বাড়ি ফেরেন। তিনি বলেন, ‘আমার দুই ছেলে, দুই মেয়ে। ঘরে ছয় জন। বড় ছেলেও দিনমজুর। তার স্ত্রী ও এক ছেলে আছে। ছোট ছেলে কিছু করে না। খুব কষ্টে সংসার চালাতে হয়। মাস শেষে বাড়ি ভাড়া, বিদ্যুৎ বিল, জ্বালানি কাঠ কিনতেই টাকা ফুরিয়ে যায়। রোজার সময় বাড়ির সবাই ইফতার-সেহরিতে একটু ভালো খাবার খেতে চায়। পণ্যের যে দাম, তাতে কি ভালো কিছু কিনতে পারব? Read More

Ramadan Food Package

Like every year, Ankur will stand beside thousands of helpless people in the month of Ramadan. Throughout the month of Ramadan, Ankur volunteers will reach the doorsteps of the helpless, poor and low-income people of the society with Iftar. This year, Ankur Foundation has taken the initiative to provide Iftar and assistance to 5,000 people. Ankur Foundation is undertaking this work through two different projects. Regular distribution of Iftar and Iftar items is included in this initiative. Read More

Help Ram Krishna Saha Family

Ram Krishna Saha, an outstanding BUET graduate from the class of '09, Assistant Professor of DUET, Gazipur, tragically lost his life in a road accident on February 20, 2024. His passing has left behind a shattered family – his 1-year-old daughter Ayushi, devoted wife Brishty Saha, and caring elder brother and sister. Ram was the anchor and provider for this family of four. Now, they find themselves at a crucial juncture, urgently requiring financial support. Read More

বেগম রোকেয়া নারীশিক্ষা বৃত্তি

বেগম রোকেয়া অবিভক্ত বাংলা'র নারী জাগরণ ও নারীর অধিকার আন্দোলনের অন্যতম পথিকৃৎ। অঙ্কুর ফাউন্ডেশন তার স্মরণে “বেগম রোকেয়া নারীশিক্ষা বৃত্তি” প্রদান করছে গত তিন বছর অবহেলিত গ্রামের দুস্থ কিন্তু অত্যন্ত মেধাবী কলেজ ছাত্রীদের জন্য যারা টাকার অভাবে শিক্ষা থেকে ঝরে পরে ! খাদ্য ও শিক্ষা খরচ চালাতে না পেরে তাদেরকে জোর করে বিয়ে দিয়ে দেয় তাদের অসহায় কপর্দকশূন্য বাবা-মা ! Read More
We are partnering with a Lebanese non-profit organization, URDA, to sponsor orphan children forced to flee their homes. These children lost their parents, brothers, sisters, and many family members. Many children were killed during the air strikes. Read More

CCP Foundation

Cadet College Poribar Foundation or in short CCP Foundation manages 2 primary schools located in Shondhyakura, Mymensingh & Bararchor, Norshingdhi. Each school respectively has 120 students from Nursery to class 5. All the students are from underprivileged family backgrounds living villages & towns where they are unable attend in local government run schools. Read More

Ankur General

Help Golap Kha Shishu Shodon Children

Girls Mathematical Olympiad Team

Help Tragic Panchagarh drowning victims

A tragic drowning event took place at Karatoa river in Boda upazila of Panchagarh on Sunday, September 25, 2022, which left 69 people dead and a few more missing. The trawler, carrying 70-80 passengers including women and children, capsized in the middle of the river while heading towards Badheshwar Temple on the occasion of Mayalaya at around 2:30 pm. 69 people died including 20 children, 30 women, and 17 men. Read More

Community Counseling

Support Shardar Farid Manik family

Shardar Farid (Manik) from Portland passed away on December 29 in Honolulu, HI. He left behind his wife and a son who needs special care. His wife doesn’t have any job. This project is to support the burial cost and help the family Read More

Help Jhalakathi Launch Fire Victims

Save Ahon

Ahon is diagnosed with blood transfusion dependent B-Thelassemia. He has been suffering from the disease since 2008, when he was only 6 months old. He has been on regular blood transfusion since then. Nowadays, he needs 4-5 times of transfusion every month. These transfusions cause high iron surplus in his body. Ahon needs to take medicine regularly to remove the excess iron from the body and reduce the risk of it causing organ damage Read More


60 family buses in Karimpur. It is initially estimated that 50 of their cows were looted. Two cows burned in fire. Laxmi Rani said, three of their cows were looted. Read More

Save Walid

মৃত্যুর সাথে পাঞ্জা লড়ছে মাত্র ১৫ বছরের কিশোর ওয়ালিদ হোসেন! সপ্তম শ্রেণীর মনোযোগী ছাত্র ওয়ালিদ অ্যাডভান্স স্টেজ কোলন ক্যান্সার-এ ভুগছে । দিনমজুর মোঃ জয়নাল হোসেনের ছোট ছেলে ওয়ালিদ, তার বাড়ি ঝিনাইদহ জেলার মহেশপুর উপজেলার একটি অজপাড়া গাঁ যাদবপুর গ্রামে। ওয়ালিদ নিয়মিত স্কুলে যেত, পড়াশোনা করতো। সে স্কুল থেকে এসে যতটুকু সময় পেতো তার বাবার কৃষি কাজে সহযোগিতা করতো। Read More

Save Amina

৪ বছরের শিশু আমিনা হৃদপিন্ডে একটি ছিদ্র নিয়ে জন্মেছে! বাবা একজন দিন মজুর, ইটের ভাটায় কাজ করেন, পাঁচজনের পরিবারে তিনিই একমাত্র উপার্জনক্ষম। সাতক্ষীরা জিলার শ্যামনগর উপজিলার আটুলিয়া বড়কুপট গ্রামের মেয়ে আমিনা পাঁচমাস বয়সে খুব অসুস্থ হয়ে পড়লে সাতক্ষীরা সদর হাসপাতালের শিশু বিশেষজ্ঞ ডাক্তার শামসুন্নাহার তার রোগ সনাক্ত করেন। এই অসুখের চিকিৎসা হলো হার্ট-এর অপেরেশনের মাধ্যমে ছিদ্রটি বন্ধ করে দেয়া। কিন্তু পরিবারের পক্ষে অপারেশন করার মতো সামর্থ না থাকায় Read More

Qurbani Project 2024

Ankur has been arranging Qurbani in Bangladesh. We distributed your qurbani meat to many areas, where people cannot afford to eat meat. This year, with COVID related economic crisis, we will arrange Qurbani in various parts of Bangladesh. Please donate your Qurbani shares for people in need. Read More

Saara Clinic

ঝিনাইদাহ জিলার মহেশপুর উপজিলার একটি প্রত্যন্ত অঞ্চলের গ্রাম পদ্মপুকুর! এই গ্রামে একটি দাতব্য চিকিৎসালয়ের জন্য একটি জমি দান করেছিলেন নূরজাহান ও নাজির আহমেদ! জায়গাটি এলাকার একটি জমজমাট বাজারে! জমিটির উপরে দোতালা ফাউন্ডেশন দিয়ে একতলাটিতে বেশ কয়েকটি দোকান তৈরী হয় বেশ কয়েকবছর আগে! একতলার একটি দোকানে ফার্মেসী করা হবে ! দোতলাটি ক্লিনিক এর জন্য বরাদ্দ যেটির নির্মাণ কাজ শুরু হবে ইনশাল্লাহ ঈদের পরে! Read More

Kanta Cancer Treatment

A family that lost its head of the household (and the sole earner) not too long ago and currently in dire financial crisis needs help for the cancer treatment of its eldest child who has been providing for the family as a private tutor ever since her father died. Kanta, 26-year old female, is diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer recently. Her current treatment plan involves 12 chemotherapy cycles. She has made a humanitarian appeal seeking fund for this phase of her treatment. Read More

Save Shahriar

Our friend Shahriar, a BUET graduate of Batch 88 (Naval Architecture), is diagnosed recently with Carcinoma Caecum and Hepatic Metastasis (stage four). Basically, he has colon cancer which eventually spread further to his liver. His doctors strongly suggested him to immediately start the appropriate treatment protocol which involves surgery to remove metastasis in bowel followed by liver resection and chemotherapy. This type of surgeries could be done overseas in specialized hospitals such as Mount Elizabeth Hospital (MEH) in Singapore. A preliminary estimate shows Shahriar would need approximately $250K - $300K to meet up his treatment expenses. Read More


অংকুর ফাউন্ডেশন পহেলা রমজানই হাসি ফোটালো অসহায় রোজাদারদের মুখে,তাদের একটু ভালোভাবে সারাদিনে রোজা রেখে ইফতার করানোর ক্ষুদ্র প্রচেষ্টা আমাদের অংকুরের ফুড প্যাকেজ| সারা দেশে ইফতার বিতরণ করা হবে| অংশ গ্রহণ করতে চাইলে ডোনেট করুন| Read More

Save Mushfika

Mushfika, a 9 years old girl is suffering from a malignant bone cancer “Ewing’s sarcoma” in her spine. Her father, Mostafa Rasul is a sanitary worker, currently cannot work due to injury in his foot during work. He does not have money to treat. Also, he has already utilized all the resources from family and friends for Mushfika’s surgery. Read More

Manzil Cancer Treatment

Manjurul Islam Manzil is only 22 years old. He is suffering from stomach tumor and cancer; the young man is now struggling for his life in the bed of Dhaka Medical College.

His father Nur Amin has been working to earn the means for a family of 6 people including Manzil and 3 daughters. They are now living Romna Station, Read More

Low Cost Home

Tube well

Save Imtiaz Rashid

Save Rudro

রুদ্র মোহাম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ। রুয়েটে ইইই তে দ্বিতীয় বর্ষে অধ্যয়নরত। ২০১৮ সালের অক্টোবর মাস থেকে ছেলেটা বোন ক্যান্সারে আক্রান্ত। তার বাবা একজন প্রাইমারি স্কুল শিক্ষক এবং মা গৃহিনী। পরিবারের ৫ ভাই বোনের মধ্যে রুদ্রই সবার বড়। Read More

Help Nahian


Ek Mutho bhat

Sutro81 Education Support

Friends who were the ‘class of 1981-83’ (also known as a group called ‘sutro81’) at Rajshahi College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh came forward to raise funds to assist education of offsprings of their friends who are struggling financially Read More

Thanksgiving Dinner

On behalf of Ankur, we Sunset High School students are organizing this year’s thanks giving meal for local community. We have confirmation that Meals on Wheel will give a dinner with $7.85 cost. We would like to feed 250 homeless. Read More

Save Ahsan Habib Raju

Our friend Ahsan Habib Raju, a BUET graduate of Batch 89 of EEE department [ex-resident of Shahid Smirity Hall] has been diagnosed with Metastatic carcinoma, secondary in the lever. He was in treatment under the supervision of Dr. Mostak [Director Cancer Institute, Bangladesh] for the last two months. Based on the current situation, doctors in Bangladesh suggested him to go abroad [India] for better treatment Read More

Medical Support For Faisal

Save Tarik’s Family

Help Late Shah Alam Family

Our friend Shah Alam, [CE, BUET Batch 89, ex Ahsanullah Hall Resident] passed away on August 31, 2020. He had a massive heart attack while on his way back from a business trip. Unfortunately, none of his family member or friend was there with him during his last breath. Our beloved friend left behind his wife, two daughters, and a son who is in 5th grade. His elder daughter is going to college for her higher secondary and the younger daughter is in 9th grade. Shah Alam was a single earner for the family and supported not only his immediate family but also took care of two mothers and sister's family. Even though he had a decent professional life, because of all the family burden, he could not save much for his children's education and their wellbeing. Read More

Save Melissa Khan Prisha

The most beautiful relation in this world is between parents and children. However, today I am afraid how long will I be able to experience such beautiful relationship? I am reaching out to you about: My first and only baby "Melissa Khan Prisha" Age: 2 months. Weight: 3 kg 200g Born with Complex Congenital Heart Disease (Disorder). Recent medical and echocardiography report showed : A complete AV canal defect. Common AV valve Almost common atrium Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), Malposed aorta Pulmonary Atresia Large PDA (PDA dependent pulmonary circulation) Persistent left SVC Read More

Unite for Fazlul Haque

Help Late Liakat Ali Family

Md. Liakat Ali was working as a cashier in Al Arafah Islami Bank at Chuknagar Branch in Khulna. He was the youngest kids among the seven siblings. He lost both his parents at an early age and grew up at his brother's and sister's houses with lot of hardships. He worked at different Bangladeshi organization for last twenty years. He always worked at the frontline with very low pay and lived with other people. He went through financial hardship throughout his entire life. He got his last job in the bank three years ago and he was indebted with loans from different people to support his family. He needed to travel 4 hours everyday to stay with his family and maintain his work at the bank. He did not have the financial luxury to stay nearby the bank. Read More

COVID-19 Support

For COVID support we are providing newly designed CPAP (a low cost high flow O2 alternative), O2 cylinders to the areas where there is no supply of O2, Saara telemedicine for all and food bag for families affected. Read More

Community winter cloth program

Ankur International has been partnering with a community-based org 2nd Edition Resale, 12505 NW Cornell Road, Portland, OR 97229, a sister organization of Cedar Mill Community Library. 2nd Edition Resale has been providing quality winter clothes for Read More

Ankur STEM Program

Ankur STEM program supports local groups or teams of youths who are interested in participating in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) related activity. Read More

For changes to the lives of many through Aumora Foundation

Aumora Foundation was founded in 2014 with the initial mission of promoting education and helping the underprivileged society in Bangladesh. Read More

Portland Rescue Mission

Portland Rescue Mission is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We do not receive government funding and are not a United Way agency Read More

Portland Transitional Youth Program

Braking Cycles is a non-profit established to celebrate what makes Portland most beautiful Read More

South West Community Health Center

The mission of SWCHC is to assure quality health services to those lacking adequate resources to access necessary care. Read More

Computer Lab and teaching coding

We tried to help the kids of Cedar Park Middle School with computer lab and created an opportunity for the kids for math and science program with advanced lab. Read More

American Red Cross Blood Drive for Bethany community

You can save up to 3 lives with your 1 pint of blood. Read More

Support Little Toastie’s Club

Welcome to Little Toasties' Club. A speech club for the middle / high school kids for future leadership, where they will learn how to organize meetings and connect to each other effectively. Read More