Shahana Parveen (64), has recently been diagnosed with late-stage squamous cell carcinoma in her tongue. Latest scans show that malignant growth has spread even on her epiglottis and vallecula. Cancer has progressed dangerously close to her voice-box and lymph nodes. She has been suffering from severe pain, difficulty chewing, swallowing and hoarseness in voice and running potential risk of losing her voice if/when cancer spreads further. Unfortunately, the diagnosis has been very late, and she is not a viable candidate for surgery at this point. She needs to go through a series of chemo-radiation to have any hope of fighting and or containing this lethal disease. Tumor board at Apollo Cancer Centre (Chennai) recommended an expensive concurrent proton radiation and chemotherapy treatment plan to fight her cancerous tumor, while minimizing unwanted radiation on her remaining healthy tissues in her mouth to help her retain as much functionality as possible
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