Hope Autism Center is a center for improving the lives of individuals with autism, based in Dhaka Bangladesh. Ankur International has come forward to support the center's activity by providing fund and appropriate support for the operation of the center, so that children and families can improve their life. Please help Hope Autism Centers activity by donating online using the Donate button or by sending check to Ankur international (click on Check for details). Contribution of Hope Autism Centre in Autism research: Hope Autism Centre research findings were presented in International Society for Autism Research conference in Toronto, Canada on May 17th 2012.

Here is the acknowledgement note from the co-author Dr. Nusrat: "I am happy to inform you that our research findings were disseminated at the conference organized by International Society for Autism research in Toronto yesterday. My co-author Prof. Amanda Richdale presented the paper on my behalf. As far I know this is the first paper on Autism from Bangladesh presented at an august international event like this. We acknowledged Ankur International as a source of funding in our presentation. Many thanks for support of Ankur International for services and research activities of the Hope Autism Center." Regards Nusrat

Our Hope is to improve the lives of individuals with autism through building bridges between them and the community


  • Diagnostic assessment following internationally used diagnostic criteria
  • Medical consultations for related medical conditions
  • Follow-up consultation to assist in implementing treatment
  • Referral when necessary

  • Family consultation addressing specific behavioural/academic concerns
  • Consultation for appropriate home management


  • Basic interaction skills
  • Social skills
  • Pre-academic skills
  • Skills for daily life activities
  • Occupational therapy


  • Initial assessment
  • Intensive day-long work sessions with the children and parents from out side Dhaka city (duration of days depends on the individual and the family)
  • Develop capacity of parents to continue the intervention at home


  • Training program for parents and trainers


  • Publish manuals /leaflets in Bangla for parents and trainers


  • Applied research on autism: Dietary and other biochemical interventions
  • Social research on autism


  • Increase public awareness about autism

    Why Hope Autism Center Is Important?

    Early intervention has proven to be extremely beneficial for the children with developmental disorders including ASD mental health problems. Although it is important to diagnose these children at younger age, this job is not easy. These children need a holistic approach for their better improvement. Often children getting necessary interventions especially at a younger age come out as in differentiable from their typically growing peers. Hope Autism Center is providing evidence-based early interventions in a group of children under 12.

    Hope Autism Center is the only centre in Bangladesh providing and encouraging different biomedical interventions that have been proven beneficial for people with ASD and other developmental disorders. We must acknowledge Dr. Bernard Rimland, the grand godfather of the movement for understanding the biological treatment of autism. His writings and research had encouraged us to start this intervention on children with ASD and other developmental disorders. After two years of our effort, most of the parents of this centre, let alone the trainers, can see the differences caused by different biomedical interventions. Regular parent counseling and education is part of our strategy towards success.

    Communication and Interaction Skills

    Hope Autism Center developed its own way of speech development, where the children are encouraged to develop speech in a stimulating environment without forcing them to talk.

    Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS): The center uses PECS to encourage children's communication.

    One to one stimulation: The trainers interact with the children and try to encourage them in pretending, following instruction, communicating either by gesture, pictures or speech.

    Peer participation: Children are encouraged to participate in group activities and games.

    Integrating in groups: Children progressed to an advanced stage are encouraged to sit and work in a group.

    Education: Includes reading, counting, coloring, cutting, writing and drawing. The level depends on individual child. It includes math and literacy.

    Structured teaching: To over come motor planning problem and to teach them independent skills

    Sensory therapy: Under regular supervision of a trained Occupational Therapist the children receive daily sensory therapy

    How To Get Started?

    Hope Autism Center is dedicated to serve families, trainers, educators, health and service providers and the general public. Our multidisciplinary team consists of clinical specialists, behavioural specialists, occupational therapists, cur­riculum specialists and direct service professionals. We provide high quality of training to our team members to ensure maximum quality services. The team members are monitored for their activities on monthly basis and well managed. The duration of service depends upon status of the individual and intensity of service is 20 to 40 hours a week with a staff to child ratio of one to one.

    To learn more please contact: Hope Autism Center
    46 B Lake Circus, Kalabagan,
    Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh

    Bangladesh Contact # 88-01715527507
    USA contact # 1 503 550 9554
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web: http://www.hopeautismcenter.org
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