Ayaana, a one-month old baby, born on 24 December is fighting severe heart diseases. She was born on 24 December 2019 in Dhaka CMH. Doctors found out that she had severe heart issues and suggested immediate surgery within shortest possible time. She was taken to JP Hospital Noida, India for immediate surgery. There has been a successful surgery on 4th January but since 9th January when doctors tried to bring the baby out of ventilation, her lung started to mal function. Lately she had pneumothorax and doctors are trying to manage her saturation level and lung function. For last 15 days, she is fighting for survival and still in ICU in JP Hospital, Noida, India. It requires 45K-50K Rupees every day. Already her family arranged 20 Lacs rupees but there is requirement for another 15-20 Lacs Rupees.

Please contact Farid Rahman ([email protected]) for more details.

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