Badrul Amin, BUET_91 batch, HSC 1984, ME, Titumir Hall, has passed away about 3 months back. He has left his wife and two daughters with almost ZERO savings and no shelter [house] for them. He has lived a very modest lift and was suffering for a long time with a very complex form of Pneumonia and a related infection. Many of you contributed to a fund during his treatment as he had depleted his savings prior to that. Now, his wife and daughters face the harsh reality of life. One silver lining is that his wife has a roof from her father’s side on which we can build an apartment – and by doing so, they will at least have a permanent place to stay.
BUET_91 group have been trying to raise BDT 30 lac for this purpose; however, as of now, they are short BDT 20 lac. To raise this amount, the group is now requesting our help.Please contact Motahar Ahmed for details @ [email protected]