Cadet College Poribar Foundation or CCP Foundation

Cadet College Poribar Foundation or in short CCP Foundation manages 2 primary schools located in Shondhyakura, Mymensingh & Bararchor, Norshingdhi. Each school respectively has 120 students from Nursery to class 5. All the students are from underprivileged family backgrounds living villages & towns where they are unable attend in local government run schools. Apart from teaching the current curriculum Both schools offer free uniforms, daily lunch, exercise and different engaging activities. Regular initiative & charity events take place to engage the school communities covers book & food as gifts & goats as pets. World environment day was observed by giving students tree saplings to encourage tree plantation for a green environment.

The schools offer students not only a place to study but also a place where they can play and enjoy where otherwise they would have destined to be child laborers in towns & cities. CCP friends, ex-cadets and Old Faujians (ex-cadets of Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chattogram) under the banner of Faujian Hearts supports both schools. We expect each student will have a bright future making a big impact in each of their lives when the opportunity to study is offered for little minds full of curiosity & creativity in a supporting environment. With the support & resource from Ankur, CCP Foundation will continue its effort to change future of many young lives with the steppingstone of primary education.

Donation is Jakat eligible and can be sent via Paypal links provided below. To avoid Paypal fees check can be issued to "Ankur International" for CCP Foundation (mention in the check) and mail to "4804 NW Bethany Blvd, Suite I-2 # 180 Portland, OR 97229".

Please contact Saffat Quasem [email protected] and Saiful Alam [email protected] for more details.

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