Md. Mohasin Ali, a 50 years old cancer patient is receiving treatment at Mohakhali Cancer Hospital. He has no income or assets to do his treatment. Started treatment about a year ago, since then unable to do his day labor work. His wife and two kids also depend on him. The family is completely relying on external support for the treatment cost and other expenses.
Estimated cost for this first phase of treatment is about 3 lac taka which will cover six rounds of chemotherapy followed by the surgery. Testing, imaging, medicine associated cost for each chemotherapy is about 25,000 taka, and the estimated surgery cost is about 1,50,000 taka. The family also needs support for other expenses including food and rental near the Cancer Hospital.
Mr. Mohasin was in good health, was a hard worker, used to do his day labor job as well as an active volunteer at the local graveyard on a regular basis. Can we support him and bring hope to the family? They are eligible for any charity and Zakat.
Please contact us at [email protected] for more info.