Ankur International has came up with a much needed project "Project 1971" to assist economically challenged Freedom fighters of Bangladesh Independence War of 1971 and their immediate families. This is an ongoing project for Ankur International with the help of volunteers and donations dedicated for this project. All funds will be collected as voluntary donations from individuals/corporate donors from all over the world. Ankur International is the primary owner for this project. Interested people from across the world will be able to participate in this noble cause. Some of the major cities in the world may have a Local Committee to assist in this project. The central committee consisting of Ankur-International's one or more BOD members and the conveners of the LC of different cities will drive the fund raising effort. The major goal of this project is to provide assistance to economically challenged freedom fighters of 1971 Bangladesh war of Independence and their immediate families. There are four major sub categories under which the assistance program will be conducted. A brief description of each category is stated below.
EDD (Ease Day to Day living hardships): =>Goal: Provide financial assistance on a monthly basis to those do not have capability to work (physically or mentally challenged ). The assistance should help to survive the harsh economic adversaries for food, cloth, medication and shelter. Expected Result: The measurable outcome will be that the recipient will have a little better life than his/her recent past.
ASD (Assist for Self Dependency): =>Goal: People with ability to work will be assisted with one time lump sum to start a small business or home project to earn his/her family’s living. The financial assistance may come in installments or one time as determined by the Board. Expected Result: Expansion or sustenance (the minimum) of the business. Bi yearly review by board will track the progress
AMN (Assist Medical Necessities): =>Goal: Freedom Fighters or their dependents living with medical conditions may get one time assistance for one or multiple time procedures. Again individual cases will be considered by Board. Board to decide in case of need of a follow up medical procedure. Expected Result: The obvious outcome is the recovery or relief of the patient and live a better life.
APE (Assist in Pursuing Education): =>Goal: Children of Freedom Fighters may get financial assistance either to continue or re-start their education. The amount and duration will be determined by Board based on individual circumstances. Expected Result: Continuation of education after restarting or going for next level of education is a measure of outcome and success. Ankur International is accepting donation from individuals. Please come forward with your donation to help Ankur international launch this project. You can pay online with secure online payment option or write check or can direct deposit to Ankur international Bank account. This donation is tax deductible for the donors in USA.
You can send email to the following email addresses for more [email protected] or [email protected]