Imtiaz Rashid, CE-91, was admitted into NY hospital as of recently, and he stayed there for weeks, only to discover his transplanted kidney is not functioning possibly due to a COVID-19 attack, as he was hospitalized couple of months back because of Covid-19. The impact to kidney is so much that the doctors are telling anytime he would need to be re-admitted to hospital for a complete renal failure. The doctors advised him to do the transplant as soon as possible.
In such context, we all are urging Aushtockians to be reunited and fight for his life the way we fought back in 2009! You may recall he has gone through the kidney transplant back in 2009. It was your unprecedented love, prayer, and caring for Imtiaz that helped him out from the grip of death in 2009.
Now, we urge all of you to fight back again for Imtiaz and be reunited. The clock is ticking away, and Imtiaz has only few months left for the transplant to survive. Imtiaz will need approximately $50,000 - $70,000 USD for kidney transplant. He has smaller savings that he would bring in, but that would not be enough. Also, he is shy communicating his needs. It is challenging for a civil engineer to make savings with wife and two young kids in an expensive state like New York.
Imtiaz is known to all of us for his blissful smile, humbleness, and a kind heart. We urge all to stand by Aushtock-91, to help us in keeping up his smile. You all did it last time, we urge you to do it again!
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If you have any question, please contact Monirul Islam: [email protected].
Project created on 03/10/2021